Monday, January 11, 2010


YES! I got the new Intuos4 for Christmas and am really exited to start digital painting. Here is a quick something I whipped up to begin familiarizing my self with photoshop. From life.

Merry Christmas!

A painting done for a Christmas art exchange organized thanks to Kristina Wayte. The painting is for Yung-Han Chan. Merry Christmas Yung-Han!! As you can see this painting is very weird and confusing.
 More figure drawings I found in a stack of things. These are some of my favorite figure drawings because of how pushed and energetic they are. All done with a medium tip BIC ball point pen.

Forest Project

The three final products of one very educational semester. For our audiences not acquainted with the assignment, three paintings were to be made based on forests in each of three different Shakespeare plays each with three distinct moods. They were Macbeth, As You Like It, and A Midsummer Nights Dream.

Burnam wood
I really like this one because it is the closest to the original shape comp that I did. Really did a lot of research on the particular textures for this painting because of the crowded foreground.

Arden wood
I think 99% of everybody says this one is their favorite. I don't really see why but my eyes have been dulled from staring at these things for weeks. I do like the colors in the background a lot.

nameless mystery forest
I tried really hard to get a particular ambiance and sense of place in this piece though I had to fight through some barriers like a clunkier composition. My favorite concept of the three.

I am pretty happy with how things turned out here over all. I tried really hard to use (and maybe abuse) the sense of space in the three paintings so that they were notably different locations. I tried my best to push color as far as I could though I think there are still places to work on. I do wish I worked in color pallets for each that were more dissimilar as there are a lot of greens and golds in all three but I think the color was used differently enough to really define the different moods.

(also these are photographs of the paintings so some of the colors and blacks look weird despite a run through in photoshop)

Tiger Style

Various gesture sketches, drawings and studies of tigers and tiger parts.
I may  have slipped a lion or cougar head in there.
Go team Big Cats!!

Some recent figure drawings. (pretend I posted this a couple of months ago)

I really like these three 5's. Done with a sharpie. These drawings are notably different from what i would be doing a year ago. After a couple of in depth conversations with Mike Matessi about figure drawing I have been trying to design less and react more.

Some more 5's. even less simplification.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

2 Molskines

Summer for me was two giant sketch book adventures. The first in Paris via John Clapp (check out the 09' paris blog here) and the second in the bay area with fellow artists. These spreads are some of the pages that I thought were really cool. Not all of the ones that I really liked, but a good handful I think. I really started to try and focus on narrative art making. Not really "story" in the usual sense but in using the pages of my sketchbooks as just a record of what I was doing that day. The pen drawing of Notre Dame was the only hardcore technical drawing I did all summer.

Really Old Stuff

I guess Ill start by posting these drawings from my portfolio. I guess these drawings are "out of date" but they are still some of favorite work. I used color pencils on both and also a basic ball point and prisma markers on the figure drawing with drapery.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Charecter Select: Corwin Herse Woo

Sup. Its more than half a year after I passed portfolio review for BFA status in the Animation/Illustration program at San Jose State and now I am finally putting up a blog. Click Here to check it out!

That's Me up there. See I am hungry. Not for pizza though, that is just all I have at the moment.

I hope you all enjoy what goes up on this blog,
and if you hate it, well that's good too.
